Maintain Your Vision
Your eye health and sight is incredibly important, so don’t take it for granted!
There is a multitude of eye conditions that may affect our sight throughout our lives.
We have listed some of the more important ones here.

Blepharitis is a condition in which the edges of the eyelids become red, swollen, and inflamed.
It’s a long-term condition, but there are a range treatments available.
While this condition doesn’t normally cause serious damage to the eyes, it can be very uncomfortable.
In rare untreated cases it can carry a risk of long term damage.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on Blepharitis
If you have sore eyelids, please call us at Barnham Opticians or book an appointment by clicking here.

A cataract appears when the lens within the eye becomes cloudy and it can affect all the lens or just part of it.
There are different types of cataract. Age related cataract is the most common type and this can cause your vision to become misty and less clear.
Two early symptoms include experiencing very dull colors and feeling dazzled by bright light.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on Cataracts
Please call us at Barnham Opticians or click HERE to book an appointment if you are worried about Cataracts.

Bacterial infection, viruses, or allergies can cause conjunctivitis.
It’s an extremely common condition that causes redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue covering the front of your eye.
There are two main types of Conjunctivitis:
Viral Conjunctivitis – a viral infection which tends to cause a watery red eye that lasts for 2-3 weeks.
Bacterial Conjunctivitis – which can be very uncomfortable and is likely to cause a red eye with a sticky yellow discharge.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on Conjunctivitis
If you are worried about eye health and Conjunctivitis, please call us at Barnham Opticians or click HERE to book an appointment.

Leaky or blocked blood vessels in the retina are often a result of diabetes and over time, this can build up.
Occasionally it can cause sight loss and diabetic eye disease is a common issue that affects many people.
Regular eye tests and retinal screening are crucial in diagnosing this condition before it becomes a serious issue.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on how Diabetes can affect eyesight
If you are worried about Diabetes, please call us at Barnham Opticians or click HERE to book an appointment.
Dry Eye

Dry eye happens when our eyes don’t make enough tears to stay wet, or when our tears don’t work correctly.
It can make our eyes feel like there is something in them with or cause a burning feeling and blurry vision..
It is very common and affects millions of people but is more likely for women over 50 to suffer from it.
However the good news is, its completely treatable and manageable.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on Dry Eye
If you are worried about Dry Eye, please call us at Barnham Opticians or click HERE book an appointment.
Flashes and Floaters

Flashes and Floaters look like small flashes of light or specks, circles or lines. They appear to be in front of the eye but actually they are floating inside.
As we age, the vitreous gel in our eyes begins to thicken, forming tiny clumps within it.
These tiny clumps of gel cast shadows, creating the lines and spots we see.
Most of the time they are not serious, and they tend to fade however on rare occasions they can be caused by retinal detachment.
This is serious and can lead to permanent vision loss if not treated so catching it early in eye tests is very important.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on Flashes and Floaters
If you are worried about flashes or floaters, please call us at Barnham Opticians or click HERE book an appointment.
Macular Degeneration

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a condition that affects the central part of your vision through damage to the macular region.
This is the part of your eye that provides your detailed vision.
Generally it only affects the center of vision so centrally objects become impossible to see but your peripheral vision remains clear.
AMD is the most common cause of blindness affecting older people in the UK so urgently checking any sudden changes to your vision is vital.
Click here to download a pdf document with more detailed information on Age Related Macular Degeneration
If you are worried or concerned your eye health about AMD, please do not hesitate to call us at Barnham Opticians or click HERE to book an appointment.

Retinoblastoma is a type of eye cancer that affects young children, mainly those under the age of six.
It can can affect one or both eyes and there are around 50 to 60 cases diagnosed in the UK each year.
There are around 50 to 60 cases diagnosed in the UK each year and it can affect one or both eyes.
Early diagnosis is of absolute vital importance as early treatment has a high success rate.
The main symptom is that in photos taken with a flash, you can often easily see a white reflection in the pupil.
Other symptoms can be eyes pointing in a different directions and the iris changing colour and uncontrolled eye movements.
Immediate eye check-up is essential if your child exhibits symptoms of Retinoblastoma.
Please read the information below for more details.
Click here to download a pdf document for more detailed information and help with Retinoblastoma
Please click here to visit the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust for more advice, information and help with Retinoblastoma
If you are worried or concerned about retinoblastoma with your child, please call us immediately at Barnham Opticians or click here book an appointment.
Speak to our friendly team, in Bognor Regis, West Sussex on 01243 554091
click here to book an appointment to find out more about your eye health.
As your local opticians, we’re always happy to help you and your needs.